Access 2019 for Dummies

""" Easy steps to practical databases People who really know how to build, populate, and simplify databases are few and far between. Access 2019 For Dummies is here to help you join the ranks of office heroes who possess these precious skills. This book offers clear and simple advice on how to build and operate databases as well as create simple forms, import data from outside sources, query databases for information, and share knowledge in reports. In short, it's the book that holds all the secrets behind the mysteries of Access! Build effective databases from the ground up Simplify your data entry with forms and tables Write queries that produce answers to your data questions Simplify input with forms There's no time like the present to get your hands on the insight that database beginners need to become Access gurus."
Автор:@petabyte (Science and technology)
Дата создания:03.09.2019 16:33
Описание:""" Easy steps to practical databases People who really know how to build, populate, and simplify databases are few and far between. Access 2019 For Dummies is here to help you join the ranks of office heroes who possess these precious skills. This book offers clear and simple advice on how to build and operate databases as well as create simple forms, import data from outside sources, query databases for information, and share knowledge in reports. In short, it's the book that holds all the secrets behind the mysteries of Access! Build effective databases from the ground up Simplify your data entry with forms and tables Write queries that produce answers to your data questions Simplify input with forms There's no time like the present to get your hands on the insight that database beginners need to become Access gurus."
Год выпуска:2018
Сценарий:Laurie Ulrich Fuller; Ken Cook
Скачать 19.5 MB

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