Antenna Theory and Design, 2nd Edition

"This is an excellent antenna text. I would say in general the heuristic explanations are very clear and a wide range of antennas are covered. Perhaps at some points the math is glossed over just a tiny bit, and so if you're really trying to derive things along with the text, it can be a challenge to reproduce some of the results. The introductory treatment of computational EM methods in the last few chapters is truly outstanding! I have particularly enjoyed the chapter on the method of moments -- the formulation is simplified enough so that you can code up your own toy programs. Advanced topics are mentioned as well. Very nice!
Автор:@petabyte (Science and technology)
Дата создания:25.04.2020 04:47
Описание:"This is an excellent antenna text. I would say in general the heuristic explanations are very clear and a wide range of antennas are covered. Perhaps at some points the math is glossed over just a tiny bit, and so if you're really trying to derive things along with the text, it can be a challenge to reproduce some of the results. The introductory treatment of computational EM methods in the last few chapters is truly outstanding! I have particularly enjoyed the chapter on the method of moments -- the formulation is simplified enough so that you can code up your own toy programs. Advanced topics are mentioned as well. Very nice!
Год выпуска:1997
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