Signal Analysis

'I term this a "monograph" because it reads as a series of investigations into specific applications of signal processing (heavily oriented toward spectrum and moment analysis) within numerous areas: biomedical, oceanographic, and so forth. Despite the author's claims, the degree of mathematical sophistication exhibited in the text is refreshing. There is much to be found here, extremely concisely summarized. As such, the text can readily serve as a refresher course that brings the mathematically astute professional up to date with material he may not have accessed for years. Come to think of it, given today's students--who grew up in a world where praise is automatic rather than earned, where one lacks the attention span to spend more than ten seconds without one's headphones, etc.--I don't believe anyone under thirty can make use of this text. It requires an electrical engineer actually to have earned his credentials.
Автор:@petabyte (Science and technology)
Дата создания:25.04.2020 02:00
Описание:'I term this a "monograph" because it reads as a series of investigations into specific applications of signal processing (heavily oriented toward spectrum and moment analysis) within numerous areas: biomedical, oceanographic, and so forth. Despite the author's claims, the degree of mathematical sophistication exhibited in the text is refreshing. There is much to be found here, extremely concisely summarized. As such, the text can readily serve as a refresher course that brings the mathematically astute professional up to date with material he may not have accessed for years. Come to think of it, given today's students--who grew up in a world where praise is automatic rather than earned, where one lacks the attention span to spend more than ten seconds without one's headphones, etc.--I don't believe anyone under thirty can make use of this text. It requires an electrical engineer actually to have earned his credentials.
Год выпуска:1977
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